"All the King's horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again." iPhone screens. Windows. Windshields. Bones. Baseball bats. Helmets. Even Humpty Dumpty. When something is cracked, we often think of it as ruined, useless, irredeemably broken. But when a bird’s egg cracks while in the confines of its nest, it is a sign of new life, a fresh beginning. Only moments before the first crack, the egg is pure, smooth, unbroken. Then the crack happens, disrupting the calm surface of the egg. But what emerges next is something new and beautiful. Our …
Maintain Perspective
2020: Your Best Year Ever?
Eating a peach, in season, perfectly ripe, is pure magic. But also messy.Oh, sure, you can eat peaches before they’re ripe and they might drip less, but they’re not nearly as good. The best peaches are always messy.Now I’ll admit it: I prefer tidy. I like the structure of a good plan. I feel good when the dishes are done and the counter is cleared. I’m easily disturbed when piles stay piles for too long.Is that an Adultitis-fueled trait? Perhaps. But I do find that I am more present, relaxed, and creative when clutter and chaos are minimized. In general, I don’t think it’s a terrible trait to …
Do This Before the World Ends
Well, it’s official: The end of the world is upon us.It sure seems that way, doesn’t it?2020 has not been for the faint of heart, and just when you think it can’t get any worse, well, just wait for tomorrow. The thing is, every generation fears it’s living in the last days. And so far, every one has been wrong. I’m old enough to remember some of the Cold War and the events that transpired on 9/11/2001. Things looked bleak then, too. This cheerful painting was inspired by a song about the end of the world. The words are from the lyric of a catchy tune from the 1980s by a band …
What to Do When Your World Turns Upside Down
When I’m working on a painting, I have to step back from time to time. I have to literally stop the activity of painting and be still before the work. Otherwise, I can’t see the painting through the brushstrokes. You might think that pausing slows down the process. What it really does is help me make better paintings. If I don’t step away every so often, I’m liable to get stuck overdoing part of the painting and end up ruining the whole thing. Giving myself some distance helps me notice certain aspects that I can’t see when I’m up close. I can examine the overall composition, …
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Different Is Cool, Except When It’s Not
Is it possible to be correct when all the experts think you’re nuts?Iggy was a doctor who lived in the 1800s and was greatly concerned about the high rate of women dying after childbirth. He knew there had to be a reason for the problem, so he experimented with different solutions. Finally, he figured out a simple practice that was easy to do, and when it was followed saved lives.His colleagues rejected and ridiculed his idea, branded him a quack, and he was eventually committed to a mental institution where died two weeks later. The thing is, his idea worked, he just couldn’t explain why. His …
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Bomb Pops, Pinwheels, Platypuses and 54 Other Things to Be Happy About
When I watch the news or scroll through my social media feed, it’s easy to come away feeling that our world is burning and beyond repair.And yet.Kim and I spent some time at a state park the other day. We encountered lots of groups of young people hiking, hanging out, and having fun together. Many of them were mixed race. There were no news crews to be found. But can you imagine watching the news this evening, showing video after video of these young people with the headline: Racial Unity Breaks Out Across the Country!Then picture a follow-up segment triumphantly declaring that over 421,000 …
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Hope In The Darkness
It was a dark and stormy night...…that lasted for two months. That’s the season we find ourselves in, when darkness has filled the entire world and months feel like centuries.As I think about darkness, I can't help but think of a strange quality we humans have. Whether it’s a handful of birthday candles in a darkened room, the glowing embers from a campfire in the woods, or the flickering stars in a night sky, we can’t help but be drawn to the light.Throughout this pandemic, a particular phrase has resurfaced again and again during my morning quiet times: fix my eyes.I’ve been encountering it …
Cool Things Everywhere
One of my favorite parts of being a parent is showing my kids cool things and watching their eyes light up: Let me show you how to make this drawing look even more realistic. Wait 'till you see this tiger up close. You are not going to believe this thing called the ocean. Watch what happens when we heat up these popcorn kernels...Just last week, we watched The Wizard of Oz. My oldest had seen it, but it was brand new to the two littles. What a delight it was to see it through their eyes, with each bend on the yellow brick road leading to something new to marvel at. When we’re young, it’s easy …
Lessons from a Wookie on Dealing with a Crisis
I am a Star Wars nerd. Forgive me for my digression into Star Wars history, but I promise I have a point.When we first see Chewbacca, the Wookie, he is a helper. He is fighting in the Clone Wars and helping Jedi Master Yoda escape from the clone troopers trying to kill him.Somewhere along the way, he gets captured by the Empire and is locked away in a dark and muddy dungeon. His future looks bleak. This is where he meets Han Solo for the first time. He initially sees Han as an adversary, and possibly a meal, as he hadn’t been fed in three days. But as Han struggles desperately for survival, …
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From March Madness to Cornovirus Craziness
Do you see them?I’m not talking about the side effects of the havoc wrought by COVID-19, aka the Coronavirus. Of course you’re seeing them; they're easy to spot: the cancellations, the economic upheaval, the scarcity of toilet paper. Adultitis is at an all-time high, spurred on by fear and uncertainty the likes of which I haven’t experienced since 9/11, almost two decades ago. I’m asking you to look a little more closely. Do you see the helpers? Fred Rogers is famous for saying, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. …
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