What's the best part of making a snowman? Rolling and shaping the first ball of snow? The contagious excitement of others who happen to see what you're up to? …
Delight in the Little Things
A World Record of Angelic Proportions
Gotta love this picture. It's an aerial view of thousands of people -- almost 9,000, to be exact -- in North Dakota trying to break a world record... for the most snow angels ever made.Awesome. Looks like the city of Bismarck has a pretty good handle on Adultitis.One of the snow angel makers was Pauline Jaeger, who on her 99th birthday, according to the AP story by James MacPherson, was making her very first snow angel. "It's fun," Jaeger said. "I feel just like a kid."When a 99-year-old lady says something like that, you KNOW it's never too late to have a second …
5 Senses in San Francisco
Too often I find myself rushing through life, as if I can't get through my days fast enough. When I actually force myself to slow down and consciously make efforts to fight my Adultitis I am amazed at the little things I experience. The senses come alive!This week I got the chance to "delight in the little things" in San Francisco. Here are some of the things my five senses delighted in...1. Touch- It was amazing to feel the warm fortune cookies, as they came right off the line at the Fortune Cookie Factory. 2. Hearing- There was something very cool about hearing the bells on the …
Delighting in the Round Little Things
I'm not talking about rings, Cheerios, or hula hoops. I'm talking about doughnuts. But not just any doughnuts. The circles of love made fresh from the Daily Dozen Doughnut Company at the famous Pike Place Market in Seattle. If you like fresh doughnuts then you need to get on Travelocity right now and book a flight to Seattle and go get some of these doughnuts. Two Octobers ago Jason and I went to Seattle for some speaking gigs. We happened upon this doughnut stand at the Market and have never been the same since. …
Stressed-out Families
Jason shared an alarming number the other day- 38.5. That is the average number of minutes parents spend in conversation with their children each week. Yikes. December 5th is "Communicate With Your Kids Day!" Just the fact that "they" had to make a day encouraging people to do this says a lot. I was inspired to explore this subject a step further. If the number 38.5 seems low to you, consider this example of a typical day in the life of a busy family, offered by Frank Coetzee, …
Escape Plan: Washington D.C.
A few weeks ago when Jason and I were in Denver we had the chance to do some of the Escape Plan challenges and Jason shared them in his blog. As you probably read in Jason’s recent blog, Adultitis: Ground Zero, we just spent a week in D.C. We managed a delicate balance of work and pleasure. Jason had five speaking programs and we had a few half-days in the city to sightsee and enjoy our nation’s capital. We had the chance to do a few Escape Plan challenges that I thought I’d share. Here are some ways to fight Adultitis in D.C. #3: Says You: Do something that is typically seen as …
Finding the Golden Ticket
Recently Jason posted a blog featuring some tidbits Erma Bombeck left behind before she passed away from cancer. I have reread her thoughts a number of times. It’s almost as if I can’t read it enough. After I read her words I feel like I’ve found the “golden ticket.” It helps me put things in perspective and gives me permission to make sure I am enjoying each moment. …
Enjoying the Journey
Our recent day in Miami reminded me, once again, that life is more about the journey than the destination. I was very excited about visiting Miami. Jason and I are big fans of CSI Miami and have enjoyed seeing some previews of the city from the show. (We are huge “H” fans! Fellow "H" fans will appreciate this picture.) The plan was to drive from West Palm Beach to Miami taking the A1A Hwy. From the map, it seemed as if this would be a pretty drive, as it’s right along the Atlantic coast. Thinking about it, the drive was my favorite part of the whole day. The sky was a beautiful shade of …
Collect More Grass Stains
Yvonne over at the Lip-Sticking blog posted some thoughts by Erma Bombeck. Here are a few poignant tidbits from If I Had My Life to Live Over: I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good ' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone! wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. …
Bad Breathing Causes Adultitis
Breathing. We do it 20,000 times a day and many of us are doing it wrong. Yikes! I read a very interesting article today by Christopher Uhl that connects breathing to stress. Ulh's article refers to information shared in Gay Hendricks' book Conscious Breathing. When we were little we knew how to breathe. We did it perfectly without even trying. …