It's that time of year... summer vacation. "FINALLY!", the Wisconsin kids are exclaiming, after having to make up a few snow days here in June. Never fun! Rumors abound that vacations will be down this year due to the gas prices. (Debbie Downer Alert!) P.T. Barnum (yes the guy from that little thing known as the greatest show on earth) proved in his day was that even in a period as tough as the Great Depression, people will spend their last nickel on FUN. Everyone needs a break... an escape... a vacation of sorts. That doesn't mean you have to fly down to Disney or go surfing in Hawaii. It …
Maintain Perspective
Tip of the Week: Dear Hero
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #12: Dear Hero: Write a letter to a childhood hero (real or fictional). Last summer a group of us from Kim & Jason went to Milwaukee for a Get Motivated Seminar. It was an unbelievable experience. Not only did we get the opportunity to hear the perspectives of highly respected leaders like Suze Orman, Colin Powell, and Ed McMahon, we were also treated to hearing some snippets explaining "how he got to where he is today" from everyone's favorite TV dad, Bill Cosby. What a guy! The highlight for most attendees, though, was the …
Why So Serious?
A highlight for me this summer will be the release of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight, featuring the late Heath Ledger in a standout role as the villainous Joker. One of the big lines being used in promoting the film comes from the Joker himself, who says, "Why so serious?" The same question might be asked of most of us. I remember standing on the bus stop as a young boy, waiting for my early morning ride to school. My mom made me walk the three blocks to the corner much earlier than was necessary, probably ensuring that she wouldn't have to disrupt her morning routine in order to …
Tip of the Week: Random Act
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is: #14: Random Act: Do something to help someone you don’t know. When I was in college we had a project for my Psychology class, experimenting with the social reactions of people in different situations. As I was brainstorming a connection for which direction to go in, I remembered a book I had received and enjoyed a few years earlier, "Random Acts of Kindness." It had become very popular, sharing a compilation of stories about people being kind to strangers- just because. The light bulb went off and the project was underway. …
Dance Little Bird
Ever notice how whenever you hear a story of someone who is presented with life-threatening news, you never hear the person say, "Well that's it. I obviously haven't spent nearly enough time working. I'm heading to the office –- I don't have a minute to spare!" Pretty ridiculous, huh? Then why is it, when we're NOT faced with life-threatening news, our actions suggest that work IS the most important thing in our lives? Notice I said actions. You can talk a big game about quality time and keeping first things first, but the proof of your real priorities is in your actions. Always. Bob …
Tip of the Week: Prison Break
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #18: Prison Break: Get out of your element. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Last week we were in Atlanta for a speaking program. After the event the host asked us where we were heading for dinner. We excitedly shared that we were going to get some traditional southern cooking at the infamous famous Mary Mac's Tea Room. Known for their southern fried chicken and pot likker with cracklin' bread, we knew we'd get a real taste of the south. The host and her colleague sheepishly admitted that even though they have lived in …
Questioning the Shoulds
How's your job? A thrilling and exhilarating adventure, or little more than an increasingly boring way to bring home the bacon? Passion Catalyst Curt Rosengren is an awesome chap and a generous contributor to our latest issue of Kim & Jason magazine (on its way to Club K&J members as we speak...or as I write?) I have been reading his book, 101 Ways to Get Wild About Work, in small bites on airplanes as Kim and I have criss-crossed the country flying to speaking engagements. There are so many self-help books out there that it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between them, …
Tip of the Week: Instant Karma
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #20: Instant Karma: Right an old wrong. In 2005 karma was given a primetime slot, starring as the central plot point on My Name is Earl. Whether you call it karma or not, most people believe that "what goes around comes around." Another way to look at it is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When you're a kid and you have a fight with a friend those two simple words can turn everything around- I'm sorry. Sometime your mom makes you say them, and sometimes you just know you need to, but …
Today is a Gift
One of the topics we hit on in our speaking programs is fear. Fear is a major obstacle to living an Adultitis-free life. Grown-ups sure have an easy time maxing out their daily quota of worry and fear. Our imaginations instantly create the worst case scenario, rarely leaving time for what's likely to happen, or even what the best case may be. Here's the truth... fear is paralyzing - mentally, spiritually, and physically. It fills our head, heart and body with unnecessary tension preventing chemicals and hormones from working properly... leading to a bunch of health issues that are not good. …
Tip of the Week: Thanku Haiku
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #21: Thanku Haiku: Write a haiku about the things you are thankful for and put it somewhere to serve as a reminder. A few years ago the concept of a "gratitude journal" became widespread, after Oprah shared about hers on her show. "If you start focusing on what you have and what you're grateful for, you will then begin to see more." —Oprah The action of being grateful is refreshing to the soul. Kids are naturally awesome at putting things in perspective, but sometimes us grown-ups need tools to help us along the way. This …