Season's greetings! I am happy to anounce that a new little Adultitis-fighter has joined our family. Her name is Virginia Rose, and she arrived at 2:39 am on December 19, just in time for Christmas. Ginny was born at home and interestingly, she was born "en caul," which means she was actually born in her bag of waters, which is somewhat rare. Depending on what you Google, it is generally regarded as a sign of good luck (or an omen that she will grow up to be a vampire.) At 8 pounds, 15 ounces, Ginny weighed in a little over big sister Lucy but under big brother Ben, who was 10 pounds, 4 …
Kim & Jason News
Top 10 Reasons You Should Attend the 2014 Escape Adulthood Summit
Last year's Escape Adulthood Summit was really something special. Over 40 like-minded individuals from 8 different states came together in Madison for a life-changing weekend of fun, inspiration, and magic. It was, in a word, awesome. This year, our goal is to make it awesomer. There are 65 Golden Tickets available, but well over half are already gone, most claimed by people who've attended a previous Summit. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider joining their ranks: …
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New! Buttons for Sale!
Our first series of collectible pinback buttons have arrived and they've been designed to allow you to display your inner child on the outside! They are also quite handy in warding off Adultitis. Featuring colorful art by yours truly, the buttons are 2.25" in diameter, have a pinned metal back and are 100% American made! The buttons in this series are Bee Optimistic, Naps Rule and Red Rover. You can buy your favorite individually or save money by purchasing the whole set! …
2013 Escape Adulthood Summit Recap in Words & Pictures
After a year of planning, the week before an event like the Escape Adulthood Summit is always filled with a mix of excitement (I can't believe it's finally here!), anticipation (They're gonna love all the surprises!) and a bit of self-doubt (Did we add in enough magic? Have we forgotten anything?) I am happy to report that the second annual Escape Adulthood Summit was a rousing success! …
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The 2013 Escape Adulthood Summit: First Thoughts
"Because this is better." That's the answer Chris Guillebeau gave at the annual World Domination Summit when he was asked why it was worth pouring all the effort and money and man hours into putting on the annual event in Portland when he could easily reach more people through his blog and bestselling books. This past weekend, I knew exactly what he meant. …
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Last Chance to Own These T-Shirts!
Today is the END of our super awesome t-shirt pre-order! We may decide to keep the best-sellers in stock, but there are no guarantees, so if you see a certain design (or color) you like, your best bet is to snag it right this minute. Chances are it may not be available anytime soon because we’ll be busy creating the next thing :) …
Join Us In Celebrating the 100th Birthday of the Lovable T-Shirt!
We’re throwing a party, Escape Adulthood style! It’s our version of a summer blockbuster hit, with yippy skippy new t-shirts to help you celebrate in style. But wait. There’s more. …
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Ugly Cake Initiative: The Results
The purpose of this post is to feature some of the repulsive results from the recent Ugly Cake Initiative (We shared our family's experience here). We heartily congratulate all the people who took up the challenge to fight Adultitis by whipping up something ugly in the kitchen. And we offer our sincere condolences to any brave souls who ingested any of the creations. (Although to be fair, most were reported to be very delicious.) Take that, Martha Stewart! Without further ado, check out the gruesome goodness! …
Small Rebellion #6: The Ugly Treat Initiative
According to the Interwebs, the first week of April is Laugh at Work Week. If there’s one thing work could use more of, it’s laughter. Inspired by our most recent Champion of Childhood award winners who made an epic ugly cake for a co-worker, we are introducing a new Small Rebellion and we'd love to have you join us! It’s called The Ugly Treat Initiative, and the instructions are very simple: The MISSION: Step 1) Make a delicious dessert that also happens to be really, really UGLY. Step 2) Bring it to work to share. Step 3) Enjoy laughter and improved morale with your colleagues. (And …
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Happy Birthday, Kim!
I have many speaker friends who wish they had a Kim to do for their business what she does for ours. Believe me, I know how lucky I am. There is a reason that Kim gets top billing in the trademark "Kim & Jason." I may be the artist and speaker, but she's the inspiration. She's the lifeblood of our business. She's the one I aspire to be like. Not only is she the world's best business partner, but she's also my wife, best friend, and partner in crime on this crusade to annihilate Adultitis. She's also celebrating a birthday today. (Twenty-nine-ish. Again.) I thought it would be cool to …