Dang, where did the summer go? We’ve still got some time left, but once the kids start going back to school you can smell fall in the air. I’m gonna be busy over the next week putting the finishing touches on the latest issue of the Escape Adulthood magazine (you can get it mailed to your door if you’re a Club K&J member) so posting may be a bit sparse.
I’m taking this opportunity to present my favorite 10 posts from the summer. Maybe you’re new and haven’t read any of them. Or maybe you somehow missed a few of them because you were on vacation (good for you!). Consider this either a list of tasty tidbits to whet your appetite, or a plate of leftovers that taste even better the second time around. Or something.
Pro Choice | Not about what you think.
How to Mess Up Your Vacation | A great primer if you still have some vacation time left.
You Are in Perpetual Beta Mode | You ain’t perfect so quit acting like you are.
The Price of Losing Free Play | You’re not one of those grown-ups ruining everything, are you?
While You Were Busy, Life Passed By | A must-read for those of you who just remembered you haven’t checked your e-mail in 10 minutes.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Just Doing It | I’m especially proud of the fake book cover I designed for this one.
Adultitis Case Study #1 | See the serious side of Adultitis. Then warn your friends.
Are Grown-Ups Obsolete? | Well, are they? The answer might surprise you.
The New American Dream | The American Dream has changed. What do we covet now?
Get Up Faster | What to do when everything goes wrong.
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