Wow, it has been an amazing year. It was my thirty-ninth year of life, and my daughter Virginia’s first. I signed a book deal with a major New York publisher and earned my CSP designation. This summer’s Escape Adulthood Summit was the best one yet. We launched Escape Lab. And I got to take my oldest daughter Lucy on a business trip to San Diego, which turned out to be more fun than business.
I believe we have two important jobs this time of year.
The first is to look back at the year that was and recall the good parts. It’s easy to remember the challenges, the heartaches, and the things that didn’t work out. Every year has plenty of those. Meanwhile, it’s easy to forget the good stuff that happened, so it’s important to call those things to mind, in gratitude for the blessings that came our way, and to pat ourselves on the back for the little things we did to make our story better. You’re not ignoring the dark moments when you choose to remember and dwell on the bright ones.
The second job is to decide to make next year the best year ever. And the deciding part is the most important part. There are many things we can’t control. But there is an awful lot we can. One of the biggest tragedies is when people see life as something that happens to them. The amazingness of your story depends on one thing: YOU. And you only get one shot, so make it count.
Remember that amazing things can come from small steps.
This year definitely took the title as the one where we felt the most support and enthusiasm from the people who are part of this Adultitis-fighting revolution. Thank you for reading these messages, and for your kindness, your childlike spirit, and your willingness to journey with us on this adventure. I am deeply grateful.
We have big things planned for 2015. I hope you do, too. Let’s make a pact that come this time next year, we’ll both be celebrating that it was our best year yet.
What was your best part of 2014?
What a wondrous year! 22,000 miles, 18 states! A year of travel, a year of exploring and discovering the beauty of nature everywhere … the desert, the mountains, the plains, the coasts, rain forests, redwood forest, Ozark forests …
It was also a year of exploring and discovering all the possibilities that await when you take the first step, then the next … with child-like faith and belief that you can be and do anything you imagine.
We are grateful, we are excited, we are expectant of even more in 2015!
“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson
Sounds wonderful, Trisha! Travel is one of our favorite things ever, too! We have a trip to Florida coming up that can’t come soon enough!