Halloween is the time of year when kids and adults alike exercise their creativity and imagination, often in the form of being gross, creepy, and scary. If this isn’t a childlike holiday, we don’t know what is! It’s no surprise that Halloween has become the favorite holiday of many adults. Hey, no gifts to wrap, cards to send, or birds to cook. It’s simply about having fun. Now you may be a bit too tall for trick-or-treating, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat healthy (boring) grown-up food at your Halloween party. Have some fun getting creative with your menu. From Boogers on a Stick to …
Create & Do
29 Awesome Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Designs
Kim and Lucy and I recently visited an awesome local pumpkin patch. We enjoyed a hayride pulled by two strong horses and scouted for the perfect pumpkin. After spotting "the one," I managed to pull it free from the vine, allowing myself to feel like the manly man I am normally not. It's been sitting by our front door and will soon undergo the knife in order to transform from humble pumpkin into awe-inspiring jack-o-lantern. The awe-inspiring part has been the challenge, as I've been thinking a lot about what direction the carving should take. I turned to the interwebs for some ideas and …
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Five Tips for Phenomenal Photos of Your Kids
Let me begin by saying I am not Ansel Adams. Most of what I know about photography came from an introductory class I took in college. However, that class was part of a bachelor's degree in the fine arts, which gave me me an extensive knowledge of graphic design. Of course, an in-depth familiarity of all your camera's bells and whistles can take your photos to a whole new level. But if you understand a little bit about design, you can make great photographs. You don't have to be employed by Sports Illustrated in order to get great shots of your kids. I believe that every regular Dad has the …
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Kite Wars
One of my all time favorite childhood activities would have to be flying a kite. We lived near a bunch of trees growing up so my dad would make an extra effort to drive me to a nearby open field so that I could fly my Alf kite. A few years ago for an Escape Plan challenge Jason and I relived the thrill on the white sands of Clearwater Beach in Florida. It was awesome! I was instantly transformed into my eight-year-old self again. It's amazing what a $1.99 kite can do for your spirit. Now as an adult, I would have to say that one of my favorite things in the world is to hear about other …
When Life Gives You Lemons, Film Yourself Eating Them
When life gives you something unpleasant, a big key to success and happiness is your ability to turn the presumed disadvantage into a positive advantage. Maybe you and your family are going through some sour times right now. If so, don't dwell on the negative. Instead, figure out a way to generate some laughter in order to help lighten the mood. Here's a great game you can play with your family or friends. It's easy, cheap, provides hours of fun, and can be relived across years and generations. (Thanks for the idea, Pat!) First, buy yourself a supply of really sour candy, like Warheads. …
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12 Fun Things To Do With Food Coloring
One particularly good low-cost way to escape the "same old, same old" of modern life is to dig out a box of food coloring from the recesses of your kitchen cabinet. Most people have a box of the stuff somewhere, but it's usually only used to color cookie frosting around the holidays. Rather than sitting forgotten in a pantry, we believe its rightful place might be right next to the salt and pepper shakers that get used every day. I fell in love with the stuff during my first ever attempt at the Escape Plan. I made myself some green eggs (thanks for the inspiration, Dr. Seuss!), red orange …
Peep Jousting
One of the best parts about my job speaking to different groups around the country are the stories people share after the program. Our audiences are a treasure trove of great ideas for escaping adulthood! While in Tampa, Florida, one woman came up to me and shared a game her brother-in-law (Lowell Allen) plays with his family. I'd heard of it before, but didn't really know what it was. It's called Peep Jousting. If its new to you. here's the skinny, according to Urban Dictionary: A game involving the classic Easter candy, Marshmallow Peeps. Each Peep has a toothpick sticking out of the …
Halloween Happiness
A surefire way to Escape Adulthood this week is to carve a pumpkin. I know, it seems too simple, but sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones. On my morning walk (or waddle, as Jason calls it), I love seeing all of the jack-o-lanterns adorning the walkways and stoops of houses in our neighborhood. They bring a smile to my face. When you're living with Adultitis, you often find yourself making excuses for why you are not having that extra fun. You haven't carved a pumpkin yet this fall because... well, it's messy, for one. Plus, you haven't even bought a pumpkin, so you'd have to take …
Big Top Living Room
I love spring in Madison. The bright green grass, the confident and colorful tulips, and the light green buds on all of the trees. It takes a number of rainy days to get this glorious combination, though. Here's a rainy day idea that will be sure to lift your spirits... and bring back from treasured memories. Build a tent made of couch cushions and blankets. Remember when you did this as a kid? Just think about how much cooler you could make it, now that you have a little life experience on your side. Brainstorm the layout and materials. Try to identify unconventional items that may work …
The 12 Days of Wishmas: Day 4
We had a "snow emergency" in Madison today, which is a fancy way of saying we got pounded with about 6 inches of wet and heavy white stuff. Schools were closed and the traffic was slow... which made the traffic for our 12 Days festivities slow also. I certainly don't blame people for staying inside! By the way, is there anything better than the early morning discovery that school is closed? I had the chance to experience this again as an adult a handful of times, being a teacher. It was glorious! Today's super fun childlike event was "make your own ornament." If you want to give this a try, …