Our Insider subscribers know that this week's Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week), is #31: Listen Up. Find a place to sit quietly for ten minutes. Listen for at least one sound that you would not have normally noticed. When's the last time you sat quietly for ten whole minutes? If you're like me, you are feeling a bit surprised that the first month of '08 is coming to a close. Where did the time go? As Ferris Bueller reminded us, "Life moves pretty fast. If we don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." …
Delight in the Little Things
Simple Acts of Love
Over Christmas my in-laws had a house full, everyone was home. It was so nice being together. My father-in-law shared afterward that one of his favorite moments was on one of the mornings after his shower. He got dressed, came out of the bathroom and found his five-year-old granddaughter, our niece and god daughter, standing proudly next to his bed. She had decided to surprise him by making his bed. And what a surprise it was! We later found out from her mom that she likes to do this sort of thing for her in the mornings, too. It's not uncommon for my sister-in-law to come out of the …
Gifts With Meaning
Ever notice how kids can often be the best gift givers? We trudge through malls, search countless online stores, and still miss that perfect gift that says it all. When I was five my dad piled us four girls (known to others as the K-Mart sisters because we all start with K) into our station wagon and headed off to K-Mart, ironically, a few days before Christmas to pick something out for my mom. I knew exactly what to get. No hesitation. I had heard her mention recently that we needed more straws... yes straws. Looking back on it, she was probably just mentioning it out-loud for her mental …
You Name It
You've heard of "Name That Tune"? How about "Name That Tree"?! A dear friend shared with me yesterday that every year they get a real Christmas tree. They have the family tradition of naming the tree. One year it was Bruce the Spruce, another year Ralph. This year their tree's name is Leviathan. (I asked her to repeat the name like three times over the phone). Yes, Leviathan. You know, the Greek fabled sea monster! (He's the green freaky guy in the picture.) Do you think there's much Adultitis in their household this holiday season? It's hard to be a stressed-out mess when you look over …
Capture the Clarity
Jason and I got the chance to sneak away recently for a weekend of warmth to Ft. Myers, FL. There's nothing better than putting lotion on your sunburned cheeks while watching The Weather Channel report that your zip code is getting pounded with inches of white stuff. With all the talk about life lists this past year, I was motivated to check another thing off the list before the end of '07, so when the opportunity arose for us to go parasailing, I jumped on it. Jason recalled that he had it on his life list to not only parasail, but to parasail in the Gulf of Mexico. So, it was meant to be! …
Pajama Run
Imagine with me for a few minutes... You're seven years old and lying in bed after a full day of spelling words, four square and practicing your cursive. Life is good. After getting your goodnight kiss from your mom you imagine what the next day will bring. Then out of nowhere, as if a bolt of lightening, your door flies open with the sound of pots and pans being beat like the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. You pop up, knocking over the water by your bedside. "Pajama Run!" your parents claim, as they stand in your room telling you and your sister to get up and get moving! Woo hoo, a Pajama …
Bee Movie Gets All A’s In My Book
In the newly released Bee Movie (produced by, written by, and starring Jerry Seinfeld), the main character, Barry B. Benson, is applauded for having the perfect report card -- all B's. Kim and I had a chance to see this film over the weekend, and I have to give it all A's. What made it most refreshing was the influence of Seinfeld. The king of observational comedy, Jerry's fingerprints were all over the movie. I expected a lot of bad puns (there were only a few) but time and time again, I was delighted by all of the witty, smart, and thoughtful observations about what life might look like …
Martha or Mary Thanksgiving?
It's one of the shortest stories in the Bible, but I think it's so relevant to our modern day- the story of Martha and Mary. I reread it this morning (Luke 10:38- 42) and couldn't help but think about all of the busy people this week, preparing for Thursday's feast. Let's be honest, it's a lot of work... the bird, the side dishes, desserts, and don't forget the cleaning (before and after). Some people love it, and then others are quite resentful. A lot depends on the amount of support received with the busywork tasks that need to be done. You may remember in the story Jesus and his …
Beat the Clutter
Do you have any clutter in your life? If yes, then you are also probably living with a case of Adultitis. Whether it's in your house, cubical, or head, clutter is causing you stress and preventing you from moving forward. Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books talks about this, referring to the "Cycle of Completion." He says, When you don’t complete tasks, you can’t be fully prepared to move into the present, let alone your new future. When your brain is keeping track of all the unfinished business you still have at hand, you simply can’t be effective in embracing …
How You Live
Very few songs summarize our message as well as this one, "How You Live" by Point of Grace. I hope this song inspires you to drink milk from your wine glasses at dinner tonight. Lyrics... …