I enjoy writing for each of the characters in my comic strip, but one of the main things I like about Kim is that she seems to best embody the ability of kids to boil down complex concepts into simple, tidy, and logical (at least for them) explanations. This attribute shines forth in vivid detail via interviews conducted by Dave Price of The Early Show on CBS. Dave talked to elementary children for some insight on the working world. Here's my favorite: Dave: Shawn, what does your mom do? Shawn: She works at the post office and sorts mail. Dave: What's the funnest thing about her job? …
Live Passionately
Hello, My Name is…
Are you a workaholic? How do you know? A friend of mine shared a recent article from FoxNews.com entitled, "12-Step Program to Just Say No -- to Work." It shared a very sad truth. Being a workaholic is an addiction that society applauds. You know what I'm talking about. We see it all the time. Even if the work we do is good, too much means that something is hurting, however we live in a society that asks us to define who we are by what we do. Where did you get your degree? When are you getting your next promotion? How many trips did you go on this year? What's your next big accomplishment? …
Mud Ball, Anyone?
One of my favorite parts about traveling with Jason to gigs is being able to meet different people. People have amazing stories, if you take the time to ask and get to know them. I met a really neat woman in Atlanta a few weeks ago at one of Jason's gigs. Since our visit we have emailed back and forth a few times and she shared with me a great story. Here it is.. "I put some play into my day yesterday when my 17-year-old son and I had an impromptu game of mud ball. …
Trying New Things
Coming from the land of cheese and brats, Jason and I tried to get our fill of real southern-style cooking this weekend in Atlanta. Nothing beats southern fried chicken. I heard once that if you try a food that you're not sure about three times, by the third time you will like it, or at least be able to tolerate it …
Tie Day
My dad works at a lumber yard. It's a small town place; been around since 1848. In a sea of gigantic, homogenized lumber yards which feature discount prices (and employees with discount experience) Maze Lumber stands out because of its knowledgeable employees and non-crappy building materials. You'd think this would be enough to stand out in the marketplace. However, price competition is a seductive mistress and it can be easy to be intimidated by the Big Boxes (i.e. Wal-Mart, Menards, etc.) and slip into the belief that you must compete on their terms. This ill-fated belief is why so many mom …
Tonight as a group of us sat around and watched the Super Bowl half-time show, we just couldn't help but comment about Mick Jagger. How old is he? I'm sure we weren't the only ones having this conversation tonight. Well, I checked. In July he'll be 63. Yes...63! He joked that he could have sung the song "Satisfaction" at the first Super Bowl forty years ago. My brother-in-law, being in his mid-twenties, commented that he didn't know if he could move about and dance like that night after night. He was all over that stage. I have to admit that I'm not a huge Rolling Stones fan, however I will …
On Grass, Oak Trees, and Violets
The grass is always greener on the other side. What is it about us that makes that old cliché ring so true? Last Friday, Kim and I went to an Andrew Peterson concert. It was a pretty small venue, and we got great seats. After only a few songs, I was in total awe. I was mesmerized by Andrew's musical gifts, melodic harmonies, and brilliant songwriting. I secretly wished that I could be so musically inclined. I was bummed -- and a bit jealous -- that God had not bestowed upon me the ability to play a guitar in a fashion that wasn't reminiscent of a train derailment. …
Passion: Good For What Ails Ya
What are you passionate about? What do you absolutely, unequivocally LOVE to do? The one thing that makes time fly by like a caffienated roadrunner? Now for the Ed Sullivan "really big" question: How much time do you spend doing it? If stress has its death grip on you and you REALLY want to Escape Adulthood (and if you don't, why are you here?) you need to spend more time on the things you are passionate about. …
Sweet Tooth’s Trip Down Memory Lane
I'd wager a bet that you probably have a list of favorite candy from your youth. Between Little League games and swimming lessons, my family spent a lot of time at the park, patronizing concession stands. (In fact, I was co-manager of the Peru pool concession stand one summer.) I remember being a master at stretching my allowance, claiming an assortment of Pixi Stix, Blow Pops, and Laffy Taffys for just 50¢. I've wondered if they still make any of these treasured candies, or if they're only available on the shelf of my memory. …
I Forgot The Grappling Hooks
Kim and I are back from San Francisco. What an excellent trip it was. Both speaking engagements went splendidly. The family program was a blast. I always love how the dads sheepishly come up to me afterwards saying how much they got out of it. (Including references to superheroes and Star Wars helps, I'm sure.) …