This week, Jason, Lucy and I attended the wake of a friend of ours who lived just 13 years. Just by hearing that you may say, "How tragic," but I would say back to you that actually, Jesse lived morein his 13 years than most people live in 85. Being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was three, he approached his childhood with an attitude of appreciation for life and persistence that he could (and would) be able to do all of the same things a kid without the disease could do. …
Maintain Perspective
Who Are You Trying to Prove Wrong?
He suffered from ADHD. His parents got divorced when he was nine. He didn’t do so hot in school. And his middle school teacher told him that he’d never be successful. Nice. Everybody seems to have their own definition of success, but I’d be hard-pressed to find anyone to dispute that winning 14 Olympic gold medals is a pretty good indicator of success. Admirably, Michael Phelps didn’t use his teacher’s inaccurate opinion as an excuse to shrink back and settle for a life of mediocrity. Instead, he used the words as fuel to drive him, posting them in his locker so he’d see them …
Open Letter to Alton Brown (and Dads Everywhere)
I recently got a copy of Good Eats: The Early Years by Alton Brown. To paraphrase Ron Burgundy, if you don’t think it’s the greatest show on television, I will fight you. As a Food Network junkie, I dig Alton’s quirky, fun, no-nonsense style. Between writing books, filming Good Eats, hosting Iron Chef America and The Next Iron Chef, and appearing in all kinds of Welch’s commercials, he certainly seems to have a lot of burners lit. As I perused the acknowledgements, I came across his thoughts regarding his 10-year-old daughter: “I especially want to thank Zoey for putting up with all the late …
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More Is Always Better. Or Is It?
More is better. Is that true? When I think of the concept of "more," I sometimes imagine a slick, second-rate Elvis trying to sell me an extended warranty on electronic equipment. Or a pimply teenager offering to upgrade my fries to super-size for just a quarter. Their message: "More is definitely better." The other side of my noggin houses a sage old man who looks a lot like the guy who sold Gizmo to Peter's dad in Gremlins. He hears the offers of the first two clowns and defiantly bellows, "More is not better." Followed up by the Yoda-sounding, "Less is more." …
Are You Letting This Kill Your Happiness?
All this talk about New Years Resolutions and choosing a word for the year makes me think about success. Specifically, what is it? Really? I suppose everyone has their own definition, cobbled together from their parents and family upbringing, societal influences, life experiences, and spiritual journey. In today's world, a measure of success often takes into account how much money or fame a person has. I quite like blogger and internet marketing guru Chris Garrett's definition of success: …
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What To Do When You Encounter a Jerkbutt
It seems like every audience I speak to has one. A grumpy dude with his arms folded and a face that looks like it was turned to stone by a quick glance at Medusa. Early in my career, it used to bug the heck out of me. I'd get all self-conscious. I'd wonder: Does he think I'm too young? Does he think my jokes stink? Is he the dude I saw last night on America's Most Wanted? …
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What I Thought About While Shoveling Snow
Today was a snow day. Over a foot of snow. Blizzard conditions. The governor declared a state of emergency and authorities urged people to stay off the roads if at all possible. Since Kim and I both work from home, we were able to stay in and decided to take most of the day off. Sure, we have a lot of stuff on our to-do lists, but days like this don't come around all that often. You have to take advantage of them when they come. But I must confess: I did partake in my share of inner grumbling as I struggled to shovel the driveway and sidewalk. (Ah the joys of home ownership!) The snow …
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A Quick Thought on Toys
If you still have some shopping left to do this holiday season, let me offer up something to think about. When it's garage sale time, and people go to purge all the old stuff their kids used to play with, what's the first thing to go? All the loud, spinning, whizzing, battery-operated, brightly colored, one trick pony plastic crap. And the stuff that gets saved and passed down? The classic, high quality handmade stuff made from natural materials like wood and fabric. Well-constructed doll houses. Sturdy, smooth, hand-stained block sets. Super soft teddy bears. …
What is YOUR Cardboard Box?
Thanksgiving week is interesting because one minute you're feeling thankful and blessed for all you have, and the next minute Black Friday strikes with everyone wanting more and more and more. For me, shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving is like going to a funeral the day after a wedding. What a buzz kill. The fact that a 34-year-old Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death last year at 5am by a bunch of shoppers just makes me sick. Why is our society so crazed for stuff? I have the answer. It's simple and really sad. Stuff makes people happy. (At least that's what our actions …
Looking for Life’s Pause Button (Unsuccessfully)
Lucy is eleven months old today, and she's starting to give hugs now. Holy cow, is THAT ever cool. Especially because up to this point, she hasn't been what I'd describe as "touchy-feely." Sure, she'll nestle in close if she's really tired, but most of the time she's much too independent for any of that mushy stuff. She's quick to wriggle out of your arms to go exploring and generally do her own thing. I think the eleven month mark is way too early to be getting glimpses of what the teenage years are going to look like. …
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