This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #33: Spoiled Rotten: For no reason at all treat yourself to something out of the ordinary. With Trick or Treats coming up in only ten days, it's a good reminder that it's okay to treat yourself every once in a while... just because. In light of the recent financial fears it's more important than ever to recognize that you don't always have to wait for that big trip to Disney Land to get a reprieve from the grind. Life is too short to push off happiness. Take a few minutes to think about something that would make you grin from …
Maintain Perspective
Tip of the Week: Time Traveler
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #34: Time Traveler: Think about some of the things you liked to do as a child. Pick one and do it. The point of this challenge is to get you thinking back on your fondest childhood memories and to resurrect some of those magical moments, bringing them into your present day. This is a guaranteed way to eliminate the Adultitis in your life... at least for the moment. Unless your memory is triggered by a photograph, childhood toy, or an old friend, the busyness of life makes it very easy to forget memories from childhood. When I …
Ginormously Fun Goals
Even in this "supersize it" culture, there's something magically childlike about seeing the world's largest pumpkin. Steve Connolly turned his hobby into a passion, setting a personal goal of growing the biggest pumpkin in the world! How childlike is this?! Apparently the conditions were "just right" this year in Sharon, Massachusetts, which helped to bring his record setting pumpkin to a whopping 1,878 lbs... and its still growing about 11 lbs. per day! Yikes! The coolest thing to think about, though, is that this very same pumpkin started from a seed just five months ago. Whew... I'm …
Are You Happy?
A friend sent me this photo a few weeks ago. It's not some elaborate Photoshop trick; it's a real-live upside down rainbow, er, circumzenithal arc. The photo was taken in the UK by 60-year-old renowned astronomer and writer Dr Jacqueline Mitton. You can learn more about this super rare phenomenon here. The photo, which reminds me of a smile, got me thinking about happiness. …
On Pies and Pirate Hats
My dad turned 55 last Sunday. One of the cool things about my dad is that he has always kept his childlike spirit alive and well. Anyone who has spent any time reading his entries on the Escape Plan blog know that quite well. I didn't notice it as much growing up as I do now, although moments of my mom rolling her eyes at his antics seem to go back as far as I remember. So maybe it's not that I didn't notice it back then as much as I didn't appreciate it as much as I do now. Maybe I have enough years on me now to know that not every dad is as willing to let that childlike side come out to …
Tip of the Week: Paste Is Not A Food Group
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #38: Paste is Not a Food Group: Make someone a homemade gift to show how much you care about him/her or to thank him/her for a job well done. Kids are experts at this! Any kindergarten teacher will tell you that there simply aren't enough bulletin boards available to post all of the "gifts" that they receive in a school year. Jason, being the creative/artistic (and childlike!) type has always been one to show his appreciation and affection through homemade gifts. His family home is filled with gifts he made for his parents …
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In August Jason and I went to the National Speakers Association Convention. While settling in for a session, I found a familiar face in the second row and we started chitchatting. There was a guy in front of us typing away on his Blackberry, looking concerned. He soon turned to us and said, "I think I'm going to have to move to the back, in case I get a phone call. I don't want to have to walk out if I'm sitting in the front row." My new friend and I were on the same wavelength. I replied, "Why don't you just turn your cell phone off and let your voicemail catch your calls for the next hour?" …
Tip of the Week: Sick of it Day
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #40: Sick of it Day: Take the day off. Do anything you want, but no work and no chores. Consider it a sick day or at least a “sick of it” day. If you live in the United States, this one should be easy this week, since today is Labor Day. The reality is, however, that often times when presented with a day off our natural tendency is to fill it with things that "need" to get done... yard work, laundry, cleaning projects, etc. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and let it all go. Enjoy the long overdue laziness of this final …
Mighty Mustaches
We held an Adultitis Clinic last weekend, and face painting was involved. It was the first time I have ever attempted face painting, and it was not without its challenges. One little seven-year-old girl had a specific request, but held back because she figured I wouldn't know what it was. Well that was all it took to stoke my competitive fires, so I urged her to tell me. Needless to say, I think I became the first face painter in the history of the world to paint a "shuga gliduh" on a little girl's face. A sugar glider, as I came to find out, is a small nocturnal animal from …
Tip of the Week: Instaparty
This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is: #2 Instaparty: Find a reason to celebrate and do something to celebrate it. This past weekend Jason and I attended the wake of one of my former kindergarten students. She was ten and had battled cancer for the last 3+ years. Wakes are hard no matter what, but this one was probably the hardest one I've been to. With older folks who pass away, you can look back and celebrate their life and all that they were able to experience. In this case, I'm pretty sure everyone in that long line heading into the funeral home felt a sense of …