Recently during an Escape Plan TV episode I excitedly purchased a pair of red Chuck Taylor low tops. Love 'em! (Yeah, I know I have BIG feet.) It's just plain fun to wear them. But an unexpected free prize has proven to happen every time I sport these playful sneakers. Inevitably someone comments on them... every time. Perfect strangers are giving me the thumbs up, big cheesy grins, and sharing stories of their favorite pair of Chucks. It's almost like they are partaking in the fun as well. I honestly wasn't expecting this to happen, but it's turned into an insightful social experiment. …
Grandpa Me and Wii
I've always wondered what kind of old person I'd be. Should I be starting my collection of itchy sweaters now? Will I wear Velcro shoes? Will I smell funny? When I was a kid, many old people seemed grumpy and depressed, uninterested in life. I kind of thought that such a fate was inevitable. Of course, as I've gotten older, I've encountered many senior citizens who are very vibrant and full of life. I've happily discovered that an ever-increasing case of Adultitis is NOT an automatic part of aging. In most cases, grumpy old folks with Adultitis were probably at one time grumpy middle-aged …
Playful Profitability
As American schools rampantly work to take Halloween off the calendar, I am relieved and refreshed to hear about a few businesses embracing this fun holiday with open arms, using it as an opportunity to give their customers a fun experience. You may remember Jason's dad. We've highlighted him in the past for his example of playfulness and Adultitis-free living (you may also remember him from his high spirited contributions in the Escape Plan). Well, Walt strikes again! …
31 Ways to Escape Adulthood This Halloween
I was reminded the other day by my dear friend Patty that Halloween is awesome because it's just plain fun. There's no stress or hoopla associated with gift giving, wrapping presents, or coordinating family visits. It's just silly and playful...a great way to annihilate Adultitis. So, don't let this opportunity for some childlike fun during the month of October pass you by. Here are 31 ideas to help you Escape Adulthood this Halloween. 1. Put a face on a pumpkin. Get creative! (If you do it at work, have everyone vote for the best one. The winner gets a free lunch!) 2. Dig out your old …
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Dr. Seuss and Associates
Here's another example of whimsy and mirth being interjected into the design of everyday things. And a sneak peek of what might happen if Dr. Seuss had become an architect. [Hat tip to Daniel] [tags]architecture, Dr. Seuss, mirth, design[/tags] …
Permission Mission
Jason, myself and the rest of us on this journey to rid the world of Adultitis fondly identify ourselves as having a "permission mission." Let's face it, life is not always a bed of roses. It's filled with many ups and downs, and our day-to-day can often be met with real stress that cannot be ignored. We are here to give you permission to interject a little fun every once in a while and to look at life through a new lens. Not too long ago we gave a program for a group of professionals for a staff appreciation day. We put some Play-Doh on the tables, along with crayons and paper for a …
Laugh Louder
Fun is contagious. The other day I was reading Everyday Mommy, a very fun and insightful blog by Jules. She posted a hilarious picture of herself which caught my attention. Jules does not take herself too seriously, and I love it! She was proactively fighting her Adultitis by playing with Photo Booth. For those of you not familiar with this software, basically it works with the iSight camera that is build into the screen of the MacBooks and functions just like a photo booth would, giving you a few seconds before it snaps the picture. But wait. There's more... …
A Cheap Way to Fight Office Adultitis
I have never worked in a cubicle (I'm not counting my nightmares), but I have worked in quite a few jobs in which I swear the hands on the time clock were engineered to go backwards every few hours. Fortunately, those jobs were stepping stones for me; catalysts that would inspire me to never slip into a career that bored me. So far, so good. If you're stuck in a job that started out as a stepping stone but has morphed into a well-worn rut, you may want to take a long hard look at your life. Seriously, follow those last three links and read up. For those of you perfectly content sticking …
The Importance of Mirth
Several weeks ago I came across a post on the Church of the Customer blog entitled, Products of Mirth. It featured a photo of some interesting shoes, pictured here. First, I had to ask Stinky what "mirth" meant. He told me that it was a noun that meant "gladness and gaiety, especially when expressed by laughter." Got it. (I'm so glad he is a connoisseur of the English language.) Apparently, the high-heeled flippers are not for sale. They're a simple art project. I think they're pretty funny, but I like even more what Ben McConnell had to say about them: …
Build Yourself a Cardboard Castle
It figures that I'd find this project after I've already disposed of the gazillion boxes we used to help us move. On the other hand, none of them were refrigerator boxes, and you need eight of them for this plan (don't worry though, they give you tips on how to get free cardboard boxes). The plan comes from Mr. McGroovy's (hat tip to Lifehacker) and is quite detailed with nice, easy to understand diagrams (me like pictures). They also sell box rivets for a new level of cardboard construction and offer ideas on how to easily paint your castle in a realistic manner. Too cool. …